For those that sell ERP software, there is nothing more important than landing good ERP leads that will help you establish solid working relationships with potential clients. However, for such a volatile market and for a product that so few people can realistically consider at this point in the economy, you need to know where to find those ERP leads that they will still be fresh enough to use later on down the line.
What ERP Leads Should Provide
The first thing you should know is what your ERP leads should include. Is a good lead one that will allow you to contact them cold or is it a warmed up lead - someone that is looking for a good ERP solution and that has a budget and implementation plan already in mind? The difference between these two can cost or save you dozens of hours of manpower and a lot of stress.
Creating Your Own Leads or Outsourcing?
The big question then comes in here. Should you have your own people narrow down those leads and prep them for the sales staff or should you outsource to another company or buy the leads straight out. The truth is that there are a lot of options here but only a few different contingencies that truly make sense.
However, if you outsource or purchase those leads ahead of time, you'll have just about everything you need in hand before you even pick up a phone and can streamline a lot of your operations.
When Good ERP Leads Appear
Every now and then you'll know how good a lead is and spend extra time pouring energy into that particular lead. However, don't forget that any lead, with the right starting information can be a good lead. You need to pour the same amount of resources, via your sales team, into each set of ERP leads you get. Without doing so, you'll never be able to spend the extra time and energy needed to grow your business and create new avenues for income.
In the end, the best solution for many businesses ends up being to outsource their ERP leads to other individuals. This can be done in any number of ways, but the primary method that allows for the most success is to find a firm or buy leads outright. You'll find that these leads are better suited for your needs, warmed up for your sales team, and almost always have a better chance of panning out than those that you drum up out of the phone book or off of an email list.

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